RADICAL ALCHEMY: Dismantling X to have Y
This two-day exploration is designed to disrupt your life and is the basis for all of Breck’s work.
Dismantling false identities and archaic, non-serving beliefs to reveal your unadulterated self. Operate from your most potent, pure and free place. Topics covered- fear, shame, identity, ideas around attraction, ego, mobility, generative living, among others. Highly constructed critical-thinking based workshop, with total flexibility to cover topics as needed: An intensive two-day workshop in an intimate small group setting. This is the introduction, foundation, and core to all of Breck’s work
It is an intense examination of the very way you think, feel, create, parent, love, study, and play. That which alludes also confuses, so we continue repeating our behavior in an attempt to bend our life to our own will..
Radical Alchemy changes you to see yourself clearly and move beyond ignorance and troublesome emotions to dispel guided notions of self-image.