Our lives are a series of daily decisions that either enhance, liberate or diminish our spirit. Those decisions are either expressions of self-love or acts of sabotage. Routine is very often an act of self-love. Whether you get up to meditate or to walk the dogs on a cold day or go take a run.
The consistency of routine can certainly be acts of self-love. Along with routine is also introducing new expressions, new initiatives into your schedule that keeps your spirit nourished. There are difficult circumstances that can interrupt our routines. There are health, financial and family crises that take us off course. It’s not that you won’t fall off, it’s how fast you can right yourself.
People say and so it seems that life is hard but how to incorporate decisions-actions that are true to you and true for you is the attempt. As valuable as routine is, you have to be able to stop doing something and start something new, recognizing what’s bankrupt and no longer has any meat on the bone is as important as maintaining consistency.
Knowing what you are no longer going to do is as important as knowing what you are going to do.
Acts of love from the smallest to the greatest are presented everyday and finding those acts and taking action is in itself an expression of love.