A healthy body is a function of many things.
There’s the obvious about what goes in it, what the proper fuel is that keeps the body going strong, but there are so many other factors. There’s stress and anxiety and an inability to express and release emotional toxins that are captured in the liver and thus affect other organs. Factors such as resentments and guilt and holding fast to points of view – along with fear and shame – are all contributing factors to an unhealthy body. Oh, you can push the body, demand of it, and have it work in a manic state and have it perform for a finite amount of time, but eventually, it will fail you and those demands are just a disconnected voice that the body is ignoring or incapable of executing.
A Healthy World adheres to the same principles: too much stress, rage, anxiety masked as arrogance has a finite self-life before it fails to perform. Our world is in need of a primal scream, a healthy wail, a good cry a liberating breath-in fact a total cleanse. There is a reason that the baseline of mediation and yoga is the breath. When we are afraid, we either hold our breath or it is shallow.
As human beings, we are putting our attention on particular values – making money, family, health, recreation, being popular – and mostly we are pretty singular about what values we are putting our attention on. And we stay dysfunctionally loyal to that particular value to the end of our time. And if we do decide to change values, that’s exactly what we do: change one value in for another, so we stay quite singular. The attempt should be to expand our values to add value not trade-in for another or stay loyal to a fault.We are in need of expanding our values to Global Health, which does not exclude global prosperity or global productivity, it actually adds to that.
As always once again, after all the rhetoric, all the distractions, all the NOISE has exhausted itself…
All there is is L O V E.