Got to savor the moments- The moments of relief from anxiety, stress, fears.
Stress is the water we are swimming in, whether you’re in the shallow end of the pool or the deep end, we are all still wet.
Stress is an interesting coupling of resistance and desire. The resistance is fairly self evident, when one is stressed it has to do with pushback about whatever the current situation is. Instead of acceptance and alchemy, we use resistance which makes matters worse. Desire is harder to couple with stress but nevertheless. The desire is the need to want to have the situation change. To be more in line with what you want than what you are getting. If you put resistance together with desire you get stress.
People keep looking to be excited about all kinds of things and certainly there are things to get excited about- having a child, getting married, financial windfall. Excitement is intrinsic to certain situations but these are not exciting times.
This is a time of moments, relishing a moment, savoring a moment, but as the word connotes it will vanish.
We can’t hold on to a moment, we can’t go back to anything, we can only appreciate and to move in and on.
We are being trained by the culture- like it or not- to relinquish control and some of us are more stubborn than others in that regard.
Open palms-open mind-open heart.