Short bio info for Breck here.

Celebrating the Life You Have

“Oh the Places You’ll Go” – Dr. Seuss As we turn the corner on 2020 and all that was and has been, we look at“Oh the Places You Went”.  We have gone to despair, to hope, to resistance, to wreckage, to failure, to futility, to madness, and to love.We have also gone to the moments,…

Digging Deep

It takes something to fight for something, and many times those acts are not public. They are mostly private battles that you have to win every day. We battle with the best part of ourselves, and certainly the lesser part. We are faced with choices all day long, choices like: to have character, to have…


A healthy body is a function of many things. There’s the obvious about what goes in it, what the proper fuel is that keeps the body going strong, but there are so many other factors. There’s stress and anxiety and an inability to express and release emotional toxins that are captured in the liver and…

A Few Thoughts

“Love is an interruption in where you thought you’d be going and what you thought you’d be doing.” “Anytime that you try to solve a problem, you are perpetuating the problem. Excavating the issues and alchemizing them is a creative act and a contribution.” “You’ve got to commit to what you’ve got, not what you…

Out of the Ashes

I’m fixing a hole where the rain gets inAnd stops my mind from wandering Where it will go I’m filling the cracks that ran through the door And kept my mind from wandering Where it will go And it really doesn’t matter if I’m wrong I’m right Where I belong I’m right Where I belong…


Let me sit for a while and think and feel and wonder.  Not the wonder of discontent but the wonder of life. I don’t know if it is age, or the times, or all the loss, but sometimes I feel like my heart is going to explode. It’s curious because there’s the pain of course,…

Still Photographs

Mark Zuckerberg was clever when he decided to monetize popularity.  Like most initiatives, it was right there all along, he just was able to take two very specific, human issues and turn it into a billion-dollar industry: our need for popularity and our myopic thinking that what’s in front of us is the whole story. …


“You say you want a revolution, Well, you know, We all want to change the world. You tell me that it’s the evolution, Well, you know, We all want to change the world. But when you talk about destruction, Don’t you know that you can count me out.” – ” Revolution” by The Beatles People are…

Summer of Masks and Intimacy

Introspection, retrospection, and daily reflection has become the new normal and a sweet journey. Not one filled with regret, but one filled with love and looking back fondly on those I have lost, those that I have let slip away, and wondering where they are today; and those that are here.  All are in my…