Self-Care and Others.

What I had in mind to do for January seminar is no longer applicable. In Liu of the firesin LA and great loss, what was relevant takes a back seat to what’s meaningful.Whether you were directly hit by last week’s devastation or a casualty by…


Fire Storm

It has been and continues to be a truly devastating time in Los Angeles. The news can sometimes be hyperbolic and distorted, but this time the collars and cuffs match. People have lost their homes and so much more and it’s not done. Like most…


A Long December

“A long December and there’s reason to believe  Maybe this year will be better than the last” -Counting Crows It is the closing of the year as we pass from one time to another. It has been a year filled with challenges and significant loss…


The Times

Bono said in his 2001 Harvard Commencement Address, “What does it say about a singer who needs 20,000 people screaming his name to feel good about themselves?” We all have different criteria to feel good about ourselves. Maybe it’s not 20,000 people, but a few…



It was the best of times, it was the worst of time but mostly, it was The Times. Grief is the cognitive, emotional and organic ability to accept what is. Suffering is the resistance to what is. Finding our way through is different than finding…



People are either ACTING OUTFREAKING OUTSPEAKING OUTbut few are REACHING OUTThe basic narrative from politicians are either syrupy positive or apocalyptic negative,but the real global lament is “Are we going to be ok?”High Anxiety is the cultural motif- different times, different problems, technology alwaysushering in advancements and…

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