One of my oldest and dearest friends just died. A truly beautiful person inside and out, who exponentially enhanced the world and the people he touched. He wasn’t famous but his influence and impact was like that of a celebrity. He was a beautiful mixture…


Liberation Creation Production

There’s a natural order to everything; We keep screwing with the natural order of things. Most people live from Production, Creation, Liberation. If I get something, have something, conclude something, accomplish something, I will be more creative which in turn will give me Liberation/Freedom. Wrong…



Got to savor the moments- The moments of relief from anxiety, stress, fears.  Stress is the water we are swimming in, whether you’re in the shallow end of the pool or the deep end, we are all still wet. Stress is an interesting coupling of…


Expressions of Love

Our lives are a series of daily decisions that either enhance, liberate or diminish our spirit. Those decisions are either expressions of self-love or acts of sabotage. Routine is very often an act of self-love. Whether you get up to meditate or to walk the dogs…



It’s amazing how inspired and inspiring some people are, how despondent others seem to be and then there’s the middle group who just seem to be getting through. Of course there are nuances and human variations inside of these three generic conditions but it’s a…


Tending to Business

We all have our different values- where we shine our light- where we put our attention.MONEY-HEALTH-FAMILY-CAREER and others, obviously. We also have an Ontological compass- a different North South East and West that life asks of Us. We have our Crosses to Bear, our Traumas to Work Out,…

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