The Beatles

 I grew up with the Beatles. I was 12 years old when I was first introduced to them. Probably better said they grew me up. The Beatles, like so many of us, turned my life upside down and started me on a path that was forged in love, possibility, truth and heartbreak. I had an inkling…

Surrender and Submission

We all need direction and support. The form of that support and guidance might take many forms. Sometimes it’s a gentle hand, sometimes it’s a mighty shove. We are not always comfortable with how the support comes and we usually have a preference with how it’s delivered, but sometimes the very thing we need is…

New Year

We are back out-released from the stranglehold of Covid. More emotionally and structurally, as Covid and every other virus is still very real and persistent. Covid is more of an integrated part of our lives, like paying taxes.  We adapt. We go on, maybe not with as much verve, but everyday we get up and…

No Choice Part 1

“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK?”                                                                                 -Donald Trump Trump said this in 2016 and he wasn’t wrong.  Here we are 7 years later, spending millions of dollars on trying to prove his guilt and finding some way of convicting him, and this again, is…

The Times

Is it the times that dictate behaviors or the behaviors that dictate the times?  It doesn’t truly matter. What matters is understanding the times we live in and how the behaviors follow suit or lead the way. We used to be driven by ‘Will’. We’d override the circumstances and forge a path regardless of how…

End of The Year

It’s difficult to come up with exclamations anymore like “What a year!!!”, as shock and awe have become more of a quotidian experience and outrageous behavior is not even worthy of a conversational nod. However, it is the end of a very long year and some punctuation must be made. This is the time to…

Wishing and Hoping

We could use a little bit of magic, not slight of hand or even the illusion of magic, but some real second-coming magic. We cannot keep raising our hopes and trying to see the bright side of things and interpret horrible situations as this too shall pass. We need someone, or a committee of someones,…

Self Love

There are many qualities and attributes that we are born with that are genetic, environmentally based or just part of our spirit. Then there are qualities that we have to earn and develop, wether through hard work, modeling someone else’s behavior or finding mentors and guides to assist in our development.Much of what we aspire…

The Exchange

As we get older, we seemingly get more afraid and more singular. Our points of view get more narrow. We lose our ability to say YES and a knee-jerk NO becomes more of our “Go-To”. Many things can accelerate the process: financial hardship, an ill-timed health crisis, or cultural and global threats. There is an aggregated…