The Times

Is it the times that dictate behaviors or the behaviors that dictate the times?  It doesn’t truly matter. What matters is understanding the times we live in and how the behaviors follow suit or lead the way. We used to be driven by ‘Will’. We’d override the circumstances and forge a path regardless of how…

End of The Year

It’s difficult to come up with exclamations anymore like “What a year!!!”, as shock and awe have become more of a quotidian experience and outrageous behavior is not even worthy of a conversational nod. However, it is the end of a very long year and some punctuation must be made. This is the time to…

Wishing and Hoping

We could use a little bit of magic, not slight of hand or even the illusion of magic, but some real second-coming magic. We cannot keep raising our hopes and trying to see the bright side of things and interpret horrible situations as this too shall pass. We need someone, or a committee of someones,…

A Momentary Glimpse

Heartbreak. Heartache. Heart sick.  I can’t believe I haven’t had another heart attack. I don’t know what’s keeping my heart pumping. I don’t know why my blood pressure and my resting heart rate are so low and normal.  It doesn’t make sense.  I can’t tell what is real or imagined. I’m walking through life as if…


Life’s not fair, that’s for certain. Otherwise, intoxicated people would drive over serial killers and pedophiles rather than young children and pregnant women.Nothing is fair, except evolution- People’s personal evolution.Evolution is fair. We all have something that is particular to us, that we need to work out while we are here. Whether it’s God-given or environmentally…


We are all controlling, it’s just a matter of degrees and dosage. Maybe a better way to look at it is- we are all attempting to get control in a world that is out of control. Somehow, we forget that we are spinning through space at 1700km/hr. You would think we would be a species determined by…


I am scared. I am lonely. I am not certain if one begets the other but they seem kindred. However, the derivation of kindred is kind, and this coupling doesn’t feel kind. Maybe related would be better put. I am at a loss. I know I am not alone, there are many fellow travelers on…